Wednesday, 18 March 2015

Booked a Craft Stall

At the beginning of this month I decided to book myself on to my first ever craft stall. I decided that I would make cards. I knew that I loved to make cards for family and friends' birthdays every now and then but apart from that I had never really done it on any other scale. Since the beginning of the month I have made 45 cards (whilst also working full time, doing my childcare qualification AND looking after the usual housework, laundry etc). It has definitely been a busy month. 45 may not sound like a lot but they are all completely hand made and designed by me. I feel like a little one-woman-card-making-factory and sometimes the house definitely looks like one. Dene came home the other day to find cards drying on every surface... including on his computer desk (even on his computer keyboard). But he found the funny side!

I have no idea how the craft fair will go but I'm very very excited about it. I've even done a little practice of my table set up to see how it will all look. I want it to be perfect!


  1. Hello Eleanor,
    I am so pleased you have started your own blog, you will have such fun & meet so many beautiful people.
    I love how pretty your blog looks, you are a beautiful talented young lady, I am so proud of you.
    Love Michelle

    1. Hi Michelle,

      Thank you so much for your kind words, I'm glad you like it. I am still trying to figure out how to use it properly but I'm getting there I think!

      Really looking forward to seeing you all on Friday,

      Lots of love x
